
Retired from Orange


69 yo


Visual impairment


Michel has dry AMD. His disease was diagnosed 2 years ago following an abnormal decrease in his visual acuity, distorted perception of images and discomfort in night vision. Since that day, his life has changed.

Frequently used applications

  • Orange Bank

  • LinkedIn

  • L'Équipe

Digital uses

Michel leads solidarity digital workshops as a volunteer. He therefore daily uses digital technology: collaborative tools, internet, Office Suite, etc.

Screen activity is starting to seriously tire him. He needs to take regular breaks.

He more and more often abandons the mouse in favor of the keyboard, and he now works in reverse video. He also installed a screen magnifier and downloaded the NVDA screen reader.

Working his laptop becomes very complicated.


  • Computer : laptop with a large screen, ZoomText (digital magnifier) and NVDA (screen reader)
  • Mobile phone : Smartphone with voice recognition and screen reader

Digital disability situations

Invisible clickable area

When Michel needs to click on a tiny link or checkbox, he may have trouble spotting the area to click.

Unreadable message

In a form, if an error message is written small and/or if it is low contrast with the background.

Unannounced new tab

If a link opens in a new tab outside the viewing area and without warning, Michel does not see the tab.

Unsuitable navigation

When an application or a site is not fully controllable from a keyboard and requires a mouse, Michel may have difficulty using it.

Daily basis frustration

  • No longer being able to read paper books
  • Not being aware of any imperfections on him, his clothes, his environment
  • Having to put everything away and memorize to find everything
  • No longer being able to read tram numbers, billboards or song lyrics on the karaoke screen