
Orange customer


34 yo


Cognitive impairment
Dyslexia with ADHD


Charlene has been dyslexic since childhood and has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. She is a yoga teacher, and this practice has allowed her to flourish with her pathologies. However, she really must use her brain, has difficulty concentrating and has the need to always stay in action.

Frequently used applications

  • Instagram

  • Youtube

  • Facebook

Digital uses

For Charlène, writing and reading are real headaches. As soon as she can, she prefers speaking, whether to communicate with those around her, to get information or to learn.

However, digital is part of her life; from middle school, her laptop became her best friend. It also has a reading light with integrated voice synthesis.


  • Computer : Laptop with integrated voice assistant, spelling correction software and Orange Confort +
  • Mobile phone : Smartphone with voice dictation to send messages
  • Other(s) : Reader with integrated voice synthesis, tablet

Digital disability situations

Difficult layout

Reading a document written in small characters, with tight lines, not structured in paragraphs, is very difficult for Charlène. It's even worse, if the text is justified, centred or right aligned.

Insufficient readability

The white backgrounds are dazzling for Charlène. Therefore it systematically reduces the brightness of the screens. But what bothers her the most are the textured backgrounds. Text on an image is downright unreadable.

Inaccessible website

On the web Charlène uses Orange Confort + to space out lines and words. Unfortunately, on sites that do not respect accessibility recommendations, the tool cannot work.

Cognitive overload

Easily distracted, she does not stay on sites with a lot of animations that disrupt direct access to information.

Daily frustration

  • Frequently receiving criticism about her spelling. Charlène reported her dyslexia in her email signature. This allowed her to streamline written exchanges with her interlocutors.
  • Being distracted in surprising ways, like when she searches for her phone for 15 minutes in her car using it as a flashlight!