Digital accessibility monitoring June-July 2022

We're talking about Domino again (the pizzas not the game!), spoiler alert: they lost and bingo, headshot:
As I always say (warning: assertion by old a11y expert), the problem in accessibility is that we're doing our best, we spare the goat and the cabbage, another very good example
Well, again and again, we talk about overlays, a point of view that has consensus in the a11y community: to go further, a list of best practices:
Great news, official release of the translation of WCAG 2.1 in French (fr): including yours truly and member of the translation committee.
And finally, my quick editorial, latest WCAG 2.2 news (publication still scheduled for September, we're getting ready) and 3:

accessibility in laws and standards #

Feedback and accessibility #

Accessibility strategy #

Test accessibility #

Technical points in accessibility #

Mobile app, mobile web #

Ergonomics, UI & UX #

Resources #

Others #